Last night, I, X Blue hit 1.80 as my new kill/death ratio high.
I want to take this occasion to thank all my X Team members, my mother and father, and especially Black, who in truth, propelled my ratio up a by 3 or 4 points when visiting my barracks over the new year.
My aim is 2.00
I know a lot of people out there have far higher ratios, and X Black is currently 2.77, but i know my own game, and I tend to always finish around 2.50 at the end of a team deathmatch, therefore for me to suppose I am going to be a three boy is not practical.
But 2.00 will be a great ratio when you consider the general ratio that we go up against is under 1.00 or just over.
wow! I once had a kill death ratio of 2.00. It was when I first got the game. Then someone killed me. It has become slowly downhill from there.